In the first segment, our panelists discuss Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's call for an investigation into nonour panelists discuss the legal battle between Soul Tribes International Ministries and the City of Detroit over religious freedom protections. The church, known for considering psilocybin mushrooms a religious sacrament, faces closure by the city after a police raid seized psychedelic substances from the premises, sparking a debate on the application of federal law and religious liberties.

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the unlikely coalition that passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in 1993, highlighting its broad support and the challenges of achieving such consensus in today's polarized political climate.

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the controversial display of a Satanic symbol at the Iowa State House, highlighting the clash between religious freedom and community values.

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the rise of Christian nationalism on TikTok and its potential influence on Gen Z, as well as the intersection of religion, politics, and social justice issues.

In the first segment, our panelists navigate the intricate clash between Christianity and Effective Altruism, dissecting the philosophical underpinnings and real-world implications of these contrasting ideologies.

In the first segment, our panelists delve into the alarming trend of the criminalization of Christianity abroad and the looming question: Could it happen in America?

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the alarming global state of religious freedom, highlighting concerns from China to Nicaragua.

In the first segment, our panelists delve into the growing influence of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, as they advocate for legislation aimed at blurring the separation between church and state, sparking debates over the role of religion in policymaking and governance.

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the significance of deconstructing dams to protect salmon, a sacred animal for Native Nations in the American Pacific Northwest.

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the revisions to the D.C. Department of Corrections' religious diet policy, examining its implications for incarcerated individuals' religious rights following a lawsuit led by the ACLU on behalf of Jewish resident Riley Benjamin.